On Sale
- AA Importing Company
- Arte Italica
- Arthur Court
- Artmax
- Bethany Lowe
- Black Ink
- Caracole
- Christian Brands
- Classic Touch
- Cyan Design Warehouse
- ELK Group International
- Evergreen Enterprises
- Ganz
- Global Views
- Godinger
- Goldscheider of Vienna
- Harp & Finial
- Jay Strongwater
- John Richard
- John-Richard
- K & K Interiors
- L'Objet
- La Rochere NA
- Libbey
- Lightwell Co.
- Lori Mitchell
- Lumen Mundi
- MacKenzie-Childs
- Melrose International
- Michael Aram
- Mud Pie
- MudPie
- My Saint My Hero
- Nambe
- Oremus Mercy
- Pampa Bay
- Patience Brewster
- Portmeirion Group USA, Inc.
- Roman
- Saint by Ira DeWitt
- Sid Dickens
- Surya
- The GG Collection
- The Loomia
- Treasured Accents
- Two's Company
- Uttermost
- Vagabond House
- Vivience Fol Inc.
- Voluspa
- zodax